Back in 1997, the test laboratory at Image Engineering – iQ lab – began testing the image quality of cameras. Nearly every day over the last 20 years, the lab has been testing cameras for many prominent international magazines (i.e., Color Foto) and manufacturers.
The iQ lab – Camera Test is our original test, and it is one that we regularly adapt to the latest IS standards and camera technologies. Each camera that we receive, we test with two predefined lenses for reliable comparability of the measurements. One lens is suitable for all quality characteristics and the other a regular zoom lens for time measurements.
If you are interested in camera results or want a measurement of your device, you can order the iQ lab – Camera Test or purchase already existing measurement data. We offer the results in two different presentations: A PDF-overview of all numerical results combined with the test images or a test report of all numerical results. The latter also includes an assessment of the results, done by the Image Engineering experts, combined with the test images.
The results of every iQ lab – Camera Test (ordered by magazines) also immediately run into our database, iQ-Data, which already consists of more than 200 consumer cameras and 250 system cameras.
If you have further questions or need information on pricing, please contact us.