攝影師周遊世界,以 Pantone 風格捕捉每一種膚色
幾個世紀以來,種族、民族和膚色一直是人類之間的分歧因素,但巴西攝影師安傑麗卡·達斯 (Angélica Dass) 正在尋求通過她的最新項目 Humanae 打破障礙。她的使命是捕捉世界上每一種膚色的例子,以證明多樣性超越了白色、黑色、紅色和黃色的標準範圍。 Humanae 在 2016 年初成立後不久迅速發展起來,得益於廣泛的社交媒體活動,Dass 在穿越 19 個不同的國際城市時能夠捕捉到 200 多幅肖像。她遵循一種慣例,首先在白色背景下拍攝對象,然後從每個人的鼻子中選擇一個 11 像素的正方形,並將顏色與相應的 Pantone 工業調色板色調相匹配——然後成為每張照片的背景。她沒有按照類似光譜的梯度順序排列它們,而是將照片打亂並將它們呈現為“馬賽克”,顯示出每種不同色調之間的對比和相似之處。 Angélica Dass 非常重視這個項目,因為她自己在里約熱內盧的一個混血家庭長大,並因膚色而面臨無數歧視。 “每次我拍照時,我都覺得我坐在治療師面前,”她在 2016 年的 TED 演講中說。 “我曾經感受到的所有挫折、恐懼和孤獨……都變成了愛。”就像人類外表和身份的不斷進化一樣,Humanae 一直在持續,並將服務於它的目的,直到分隔我們的牆壁被拆除。
Photographer Travels The World To Capture Every Skin Tone In Pantone Style
Race, ethnicity, and skin color have been dividing factors among humankind for centuries, but Brazilian photographer Angélica Dass is seeking to break down the barriers with her latest project, Humanae. She’s on a mission to capture examples of every skin color in the world, to prove that diversity goes beyond the standard confines of white, black, red, and yellow.
Humanae quickly gained momentum shortly after its inception in early 2016, and thanks to an extensive social media campaign, Dass was able to capture over 200 portraits while traveling through 19 different international cities. She followed a ritual of first photographing the subjects against a white background, then selecting an 11-pixel square from each of their noses and matching the color to its corresponding Pantone industrial palette shade – which then becomes each photo’s backdrop. Rather than arranging them in a spectrum-like gradient order, she shuffles the photos and presents them as a ‘mosaic,’ showing the contrasts and similarities between each varied tone.
Angélica Dass holds the project close to her heart, as she herself grew up in a mixed-race family in Rio de Janeiro, and has faced countless discrimination based on her skin color. “Every time I take a picture, I feel that I am sitting in front of a therapist,” she said in a 2016 TED Talk. “All the frustration, fear, and loneliness that I once felt… Becomes love.” Just like the constant evolution of human appearances and identities, Humanae is ongoing and will serve its purpose until the walls that separate us are brought down.
文字與圖片來源於 https://www.demilked.com/skin-tones-pantone-colors-photos-humanae-angelica-dass/