Evaluate the OECF of a digital camera based on ISO 14524 and ISO 16505
Test chart TE197 is designed for evaluating the opto-electronic conversion function (OECF) of a digital camera according to ISO 14524, methods for measuring OECF, and ISO 16505.
ISO 16505:2015 (currently under review) describes the requirements and test procedures for the minimum safety, ergonomic, and performance requirements for Camera Monitor Systems that replace rearview mirrors of road vehicles.
The example chart presented in ISO 16505 for OECF measurements has a different layout than the TE197. The standard states that the OECF measurement must be compliant to ISO 14524 or ISO 15739 (it is important to note that completely different groups have created these standards) both of which clearly define an OECF test chart as having a circular arrangement of grey patches, as opposed to the parallel lines of grey patches shown in the standard. A circular layout prevents grey levels from being affected differently by shading. Using this interpretation of the text, we have designed TE197 accordingly.
The chart layout consists of a 12-step circular grayscale and is available as either a reflective or transparent chart (only available as transparent in the bundle). The iQ-Analyzer supports test chart TE197.
TE197 can be purchased individually or as a part of the ISO 16505 chart bundle. The bundle includes all of the relevant charts that are described in the standard for evaluating the performance of Camera Monitor Systems for road vehicles.