OECF Chart
The TE270X chart is similar to the TE264 but now has two polarizing filters in the center of the chart. This feature is important for cameras that do not allow a manual adjustment of the exposure because the automatic exposure control (AEC) is fooled by modifying the density (transmission) of the central part of the test chart. Low-end cameras and mobile phone camera systems often do not have a manual exposure adjustment.
The gray patches on the TE270X chart are made from continuous tones and material without any raster. This design is necessary for cameras with a high pixel count that don’t have manual exposure adjustment.
TE270X version 2 (V2) uses the same data measurements as the original version, but has a different hardware design. The first version of the TE270X uses two plates of glass built around the chart film. On occasion we encountered a few problems with stray light and reflections from the glass. Version 2 replaces the glass with a metal frame, which greatly reduces the chance of stray light and reflections.