Jeti specbos2501-NIR 紅外光到紫外光光譜儀

JETI specbos 2501 紅外光到紫外光光譜儀
光譜範圍 :
380 … 1000 nm (specbos 2501-NIR)
200 … 1000 nm (specbos 2501-UV)
4 nm 所有版本
2 nm specbos 2501-HiRes
亮度 0.2 … 150 000 cd/m²(光源 A)
照度 1 … 1 800 000 lx(光源 A)

The Jeti specbos 2501 is a miniaturized and fast broadband spectroradiometer that can be used for various applications both in lab as well as in production to measure Luminance, Radiance, illuminance, irradiance, xy and u’v’ coordinates, RGB values, calculation of CCT, CRI, CQS, TM-30, TLCI, etc. This product includes a 90º diffusor to allow Irradiance measurements perpendicular to the instrument.
