EX2 V2

The spectrometer that we use in most of our LED devices is also available as an external measuring device, the EX2 V2. The first version of the EX2 had two devices, one for the visible spectrum and one for the IR spectrum. The second version of the EX2 combines both the visible and IR spectrum into one device. It has a more comprehensive spectral range of 200 – 1100 nm (Irradiance calibration: 305 – 1100 nm), ensuring that it covers both spectrums.

The EX2 comes entirely NIST traceable calibrated and includes user-friendly software that can import the spectral distribution of a light source into your LED device and reproduce it in a matter of seconds.

EX2 V2

我們在大多數 LED 設備中使用的光譜儀也有外置測量設備 EX2 V2。第一版 EX2 有兩個裝置,一個用於可見光譜,一個用於紅外光譜。第二版 EX2 將可見光譜和紅外光譜合二為一。它的光譜範圍更全面,為 200 – 1100 nm(輻照度校准:305 – 1100 nm),確保涵蓋兩種光譜。

EX2 完全經過 NIST 可追溯校准,並包含用戶友好型軟件,可將光源的光譜分布導入 LED 設備,並在幾秒鐘內進行重現。
