

The iQ-Trigger is a mechanical finger that can automatically press the shutter release button within 25 ms. Essentially, it removes human error that often occurs when pushing the shutter release button manually. The iQ-Trigger is a great compliment to other devices such as STEVE (image stabilization measurements), LED-Panel (timing measurements), lightSTUDIO (real-scene and moving target measurements), and other moving test stands.

iQ-Trigger 是一種機械手指,可在 25 毫秒內自動按下快門釋放按鈕。從根本上說,它消除了手動按下快門按鈕時經常出現的人為錯誤。iQ-Trigger 是 STEVE(圖像穩定測量)、LED-Panel(定時測量)、lightSTUDIO(真實場景和移動目標測量)和其他移動測試台等其他設備的完美補充。
